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Report Summary

Report Summary is an additional tab on the Analytics this will give you an overview of what is on your form.

Shaunta avatar
Written by Shaunta
Updated over a year ago

Getting Started

The Report Summary can be found on your pages' analytics. This will provides a clearer breakdown of item counts & revenue sold on a page. It makes the Page Analytics more useful and helpful. The report summaries tab allows you to get summaries without needing to export & sum all the time. It also saves you time in getting the numbers for an event in a timely manner.

This report will give you a "Revenue Sheet" showing an itemized sales breakdown and itemized count of items sold. You will also see data via table vs pie graph so you don't have to hover over segments to see the data looking for. You also have the ability to download an overview sheet to be able to give to management or your team.

The date can be filtered by date/event selection for multi-event, multi-date, recurring events.

  • Overall Statistics:

    • Total Tickets

    • Pending Payment (Pending Offline)

    • Canceled

    • Processing & Fees - only shows with Wepay Processor.

    • This table has subtractive logic. We start with the total process on the top row. Then subtract Pending Payments, Refunds, then fees to get your completed Net Revenue.

  • Ticket Levels

    • Count: Number Sold

    • Ticket Fee: Ticket Fee Column in the Ticket Box on Ticketing Page

    • Revenue: Sales by Ticket level

  • Sub Ticket Questions

    • Will be displayed by question separated by ticket level:

    • Use Case: If you asked "Meal Option" for all your ticket levels, you would see the results broken up by each ticket level. Reason: We had to in case the user had limited supply on each question.

  • Order Related Questions:

    • Count - # sold

    • % of the total - percentage sold compared against the other options in the field. Limit - the max supply available

    • % of limit - percentage sold against the limit

    • Remaining Supply - remaining number of items that can be sold.


  • Why don't I see Limit and Remaining Supply on my page when I have a Limit in place on the builder?

    • Check their page type. For Recurring, Multi-Date, and Multi-Event, we don't show limit / remaining supply until the user has selected a date/event to filter by. Reason being:

      • A user cares more about how many seats I have left for a specific show for venue management. It's sort of useless to know how many tickets you have left to sell across all your shows.

      • Also, it starts to become unreasonable with recurring events. Would you multiple limits by 40+days? What if it's a never-ending event? It made sense to only show the limit and remaining supply after you select a specific filter since the limit and supply are specifically tied to that date or event.

  • Does my Ticket Level breakdown include canceled tickets?

    • Nope. It includes completed + pending offline + pending transfer (any ticket type that takes inventory except Pre-Registration).

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