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Limit sales or attendance by event or ticket level

Set a capacity limit for your event or set limits to how many tickets are available for a given ticket level

Ashley avatar
Written by Ashley
Updated over a year ago

Your TicketSpice page provides multiple ways to set limits on capacity based on your needs. We'll walk you through those in this article.

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Set an overall event capacity

This overall event capacity will apply across all ticket levels. All of your ticket levels combined won't be able to sell more than the Event Capacity Limit.

Ticket sales will show as sold out across all ticket levels once this overall Event Capacity Limit is reached, even if an individual ticket level still has capacity.

  • Click the Pencil icon on the page you'd like to set a capacity for

  • Click the Edit Ticket Information button

  • Toggle the Limited Event Capacity to Yes and enter the total event capacity

NOTE: If you have a multi-date, multi-event or recurring page setup, this Event Capacity will represent each day's capacity.

Also, if you have days that capacity varies, set the day with the highest available capacity and then use actions to lower the capacity for the other days.

This applies for per ticket level supply limits as well.

Set a Limited Supply per ticket level

Each individual ticket level is able to have it's own supply limit set. When an individual ticket level's supply limit is reached, it will show sold out.

  • Click the Pencil icon on the page you'd like to set a capacity for

  • Click the Edit Ticket Information button

  • Toggle the Limited Supply to Yes under the ticket level(s) you'd like to set a max supply limit for.

Sample use case: Some people may set limits on some ticket levels and not others. For example, their General Admission ticket might be unlimited, but they for sure can't sell more than 100 tickets for their VIP.

Or, maybe a venue holds a max of 500 total available spots and they can only sell a max of 100 VIP tickets. So they set the Event Capacity Limit to 500 and VIP to 100 and leave General Admission open.

πŸ’‘ Tip: If your preference is to hide a ticket level the moment it sells out, you can create an action to do so. Although some event organizers prefer to keep it displaying so prospective ticket buyers don't wonder where the ticket level went and it can drive urgency to buy another ticket level when they see "sold out".

Publicly display remaining inventory

The remaining supply for any given ticket level can be publicly displayed at anytime once the supply limit is set.

Sample use case: Event promoters will often enable this option once the remaining supply begins dwindling. Showing the limited amount remaining helps drive urgency to purchase.

Here is how the limited supply will display on a live page

Exclude from Event Capacity

When this is enabled, this will not deduct ticket sales for that ticket level from the overall event capacity.

Sample use case: Maybe you offer a ticket level for infants who will be sitting on their parent's lap. They need a ticket to enter, but they will not be taking up a seat.


Does TicketSpice offer a waitlist feature?

No, TicketSpice does not currently offer a waitlist feature.

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