To implement social distancing, you can limit your ticket sales to specific groups before opening them to the public. In this example, we are going to use codes to limit the sale of tickets to a Varsity Football game until after the player's families (home and away) have had a chance to register.
Begin by adding a Coupon Code field to your page.
Customize the label for your use case and make the field required.
In this example, we will call it Parent Access Code. Making the field required means the customer cannot purchase tickets unless they have a valid code.
Next, we will generate the codes. There are two options for how the codes can be uploaded and the steps for both are below. In either case, you'll want to have an excel spreadsheet with the names of the purchasers handy.
Option #1: Use Your Own Coupon Codes From a List
Decide how you want your codes to be formatted - For example, the last name of the players, the parent's email address, or first initial/last name (ie - jsmith).
Organize your codes in an excel spreadsheet
Select the Coupons tab in your page builder
Set the discount for the code to $0, the useage limit to your number (in this example, we are limiting to 2 tickets per order), and the code uses to 1
Check the box to import a series and copy and paste your codes from your spreadsheet into the box (see screenshot below)
Save your changes
Option #2: Generate Random Coupon Codes
Click here:
Enter the number of codes you need and the number of characters you'd like them to have (5-8 characters is standard)
Generate your codes and export to Excel OR copy from the webpage
Note: You can also use the advanced options to further customize your codes.
Select the Coupons tab in your page builder
Set the discount for the code to $0, the useage limit to your number (in this example, we are limiting to 2 tickets per order), and the code uses to 1
Check the box to import a series and copy and paste your codes from your spreadsheet into the box (see screenshot below)
Save your changes
Now the customer must have one of those codes to complete their purchase.
How can I open sales up to the public?
You can remove this limit by making the coupon code field not required.
Hover over the field and select the pencil icon to edit
Toggle Required to No
Save and publish your changes
Great work! You can return to generate more codes or update your settings as needed. Here are some additional reads you may find helpful:
Learn More About Coupons
βLearn How To Password Protect Your Page (for additional page security)