Daily Summary Emails
Ashley avatar
Written by Ashley
Updated over a week ago

The Daily Summary email sends out an overview of the previous day's sales activity. This email will only send on days that you had sales the previous day. It also will only send to users on your account who are subscribed to receive it. The email will include such things as the previous day's revenue, page visitors, tickets sold, etc.

Subscribe (or unsubscribe) a user to daily summary emails

  • From the Pages screen, hover your mouse over the gear icon in the upper right corner of your account

  • Select Users from the dropdown

  • Click the Pencil next to the user you'd like to subscribe or unsubscribe from daily summary emails

  • Check or uncheck the box that says Subscribe to Daily Summary Reports

Sample Daily Summary E-mail

The subject line of the daily summary email will be: TicketSpice Daily Summary and it will be sent from noreply@ticketspice.com

Revenue Summary

Revenue Summary includes the total revenue brought in through new orders. This number includes total revenue

. This does not take into account the $0.99 cent fees or the credit card fees or refunds.

NOTE: The daily summary email may not exactly reflect funds that will be included in your payout due to:

  • Your direct funding instructions may vary (daily, weekly, monthly)

  • Direct deposits only occur on weekdays (ie: Friday, Saturday, Sunday revenue won't get deposited until the next designated business day)

  • Some processors will deposit American Express separately

  • Some credit cards or payment networks can take a day or two longer to release (ie: credit unions)

  • This revenue does not take into account the $0.99 cents per ticket or credit card fees.

For more detailed reports on recent deposits, view the deposits report or log in to your payment processor account.


The Activity section of the daily summary email will display how many new ticket sales and new transactions took place. It also will display the number of new visitors and total visitors to your pages.


See the total revenue that came in through your previous day's sales broken down by page.

Ticket Sales (New vs Total)

View the number of new tickets sold the previous day as well as the total tickets sold broken down by page.

Contact Support

If you have questions or wish to schedule a call, click the Schedule a call button at the bottom of the email to reach our helpful support team!


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