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Order and transaction statuses explained

Review a list of all the possible statuses your orders and transactions could receive and why

Ashley avatar
Written by Ashley
Updated over a year ago

Once you start accepting orders and processing transactions, they will be assigned a status based on a various number of factors. We will explain each of them below.

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Note: No order, no matter the status, can be deleted out of the reporting center. However, you can filter them so they won't pull into your numbers / exports.

Order Statuses


An order with an Abandoned status means the original order was not successfully completed for some reason and was already Pending for up to 24 hours before updating to Abandoned. Abandoned orders are unable to be deleted and they are unable to be re-run. The ticket buyer would want to attempt a new order.

If for some reason you are seeing a large volume of orders with Pending or Abandoned statuses.


An order with a Cancelled status means you have canceled the order. You can cancel and issue a refund or cancel without issuing a refund (depending on your event's policy).


An order with a Completed status means it was submitted successfully. If it had a transaction associated to it, their card would have been successfully charged and submitted.


If an order has a Pending status, it means the ticket buyer attempted to submit their order, but it did not successfully go through for some reason and their card was not charged. An order will maintain the Pending status for up to 24 hours and then will change from Pending to Abandoned. A Pending order can not be deleted and it cannot be re-run. The ticket buyer will want to try a new order.

Common reasons (not a full list) that may cause an order to have a Pending status:

  • The card declined for some reason (this is the most common reason)

    • Cards most commonly decline due to:

      • Mistyping card details or billing address

      • Their bank declined the charge for some reason

      • Their bank account doesn't have sufficient funds

  • Pending User Action (This applies for European customers who have to use transaction authentication)

  • Selected item sold out - It could be your event sells out fast or has dwindling inventory and by the time the ticket buyer went to checkout, the ticket level or item they selected was already sold out so the order was unable to complete.

Tip: To find more clarity on details for why the transaction declined, go to Reports-> Transactions and search for the transaction and look at the transaction status.

Pending Offline

An order with a Pending Offline status means their order was successfully submitted, but you have not yet received their offline cash or check payment. Once you've marked that you've received their payment, their order status will change from Pending Offline to Completed.

Pending Transfer

An order with a Pending Transfer status means a ticket buyer has initiated the process to transfer their ticket to another ticket buyer. If you have the Attendee Account Center and Transfers enabled, that is when your ticket buyers are able to initiate this. This means the transfer is in progress and has not been completed yet. If a transfer is initiated, but the recipient does not complete the transfer prior to the end of the transfer period, that transfer will remain in a Pending Transfer state.


An order with a Pre-Registered status means an interested ticket buyers submit an order to reserve tickets by putting a card on file, but have not been charged yet. A Pre-Registered status is where their tickets are reserved, but have not been issued and their card has not been charged. When you complete the order, at that point the status will change from Pre-Registered to Completed and tickets will then be issued and their card will be charged.


When the recipient of transferred tickets receives and completes the transfer, the original order's status will change from Completed -> Pending Transfer -> Transferred. Transferred is the status the original order will have once the Transfer is complete.


This shows in the dropdown, but is not actually ever apply to an order in TicketSpice because Waitlist is not an available feature in TicketSpice. πŸ€ͺ

Transaction Status


A transaction with a Canceled status means the transaction encountered a system error and was unable to complete so it in turn it was cancelled.

Also, cancelling a Pending Offline order would cause the transaction to be Canceled.


A transaction with a Completed status means the order and transaction was successfully submitted and the transaction successfully processed by the payment processor and is on its way to your bank account.


This means a transaction has been disputed by the cardholder. Chargebacks occur for a variety of reasons:

  • The cardholder may not recognize the purchase

  • The item the cardholder received may not be what was advertised, etc.

You generally have the opportunity to contest or concede the chargeback. If you decide to contest the chargeback, you will need to supply specific evidence based on the chargeback type.

Three recommendations to help lower the chances of ticket buyers submitting a chargeback would be:

  • Have the organization name that appears on ticket buyers' bank statements clearly be associated with your event they are attending so it doesn't seem like an unknown or nefarious charge

  • Deliver on the experience and expectations that were communicated the attendees would receive

  • Enable Purchase Protection so if an attendee has a covered reason not to attend, they can receive a refund, even if you have a no refund policy

Chargeback Reversal

A transaction will have a status of Chargeback Reversal when an attendee files a chargeback, but the payment processor reverses the claim.


A transaction will have a status of Declined if the credit card was not accepted by the payment processor or the issuing bank. A card could be declined for a number of reasons. Here are the most common reasons:

  • The form of payment was not accepted (ie maybe someone attempted to pay with an AMX, but they don not accept American Express)

  • They mistyped the credit card details such as CVV, zip code, billing address, card number, etc

  • The ticket buyer had insufficient funds

  • Their issuing bank thought it was fraud for some reason

NOTE: A declined transaction is unable to be deleted or re-run. It is best to have the ticket buyer attempt a new order or try double checking their credit card details and try again.

Pending Offline

A transaction with Pending Offline means the ticket buyer successfully submitted an order, but opted to pay offline and their payment has not yet been received. A Pending Offline payment will pull into your reporting and the associated Pending Offline order will hold inventory and capacity.


When a transaction successfully completes, you typically have up to 24hours to void the transaction before it actually processes. It won't show as refunded in this case since the original order has not yet processed and settled, so it would show as Voided. Similarly, if you were to Void an offline payment, it would show with a Voided transaction.


This means the transaction has been approved by the processor but not yet billed.


A transaction status of Processing means a transaction has been created and is in the process of sending to your processor. If you have a transaction that has shown the status of Processing for over 24 hours, send us a message and we can help look into why that is.

Processor Error

A Processor Error status means the payment failed. Most likely caused by a broken connection with the payment processor or possibly the payment processor was experiencing some latency. It is possible (but not likely) that the payment is still pending or accepted on the processor side and will eventually settle, but did not report the settlement back to our system. If you see this error, first log in to check the status from inside your payment processor. If needed, our support team can assist you in addressing the error.


This means the payment failed due to an error outside of the payment processor. If you see this, please screenshot it and contact support to assist you.

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