To assist you in getting your event online as quickly as possible, we have put together the steps for some of our favorite resources. This article will cover the basics of livestreaming with YouTube Live.
YouTube Live is a good option for you if...
You're looking for a free option
You want to schedule a widely-accessible (many devices, many ways to view) livestream
You have 10k+ subscribers on the YouTube platform - this is a requirement to livestream from mobile
Note: YouTube is a video hosting software. You will need a separate account to utilize their platform.
Set Up
Setting up a livestream from your YouTube account is fast and easy.
Begin here
Select Create in the top, right of your screen
Select GoLive (this will present the steps to schedule a livestream)
The easiest way to stream online is using your Webcam.
Title your livestream
Change Public to Unlisted (this will limit viewing to only those who have access to this link)
Schedule livestream for a later date
Define your viewing audience if your material is not suitable for kids.
Select More Options if you want to change your video content category or other advanced settings.
Select Next
Take and save a thumbnail image for your video placeholder
Stream Preview and Share
Double check all your live stream settings in your Stream Preview
Select Share and copy your Youtube URL
Link To TicketSpice
Open your TicketSpice Virtual Event page in your page builder
Paste your Youtube URL in Digital Access link field.
Where can I get additional support with my YouTube account?
YouTube's Help Center & Link To Contact