To assist you in getting your event online as quickly as possible, we have put together the steps for some of our favorite resources. This article will cover the basics of livestreaming with Vimeo.
Vimeo is a good option for you if...
Your event is private / requires security (Vimeo has the controls necessary to limit outside access to your event content)
You want to include a chat as part of your event
Note: Vimeo is a video hosting software. You will need a separate account to utilize their platform. Pricing will vary, check out their pricing page for specifics.
Set Up
Vimeo is a popular option for livestreaming events that are private. Check out this video for assistance with the entire process from start to finish.
To get started...
Select New Video in the top, left corner
Select Create live event
Use the pop up to add your event's title, start date and privacy settings. These can also be updated later.
Vimeo allows you to strip away any sharing options as well as limit the video to only work on your TicketSpice page URL. Vimeo also allows you to embed their livechat feature below the video too.
Customize the Viewing privacy to a private link
Set the embed privacy to your specific domain
After customizing your embed settings, use the private embed code to link the live event to your ticketing page
Link To TicketSpice
Open your TicketSpice Virtual Event page in your page builder
Paste in your Embed Code
If you would like to see what this would look like for your attendees, you can do a test on this page. You can use 4111 1111 1111 1111 as the credit card number. Any billing details (fake ones are fine) will do.
Where can I get additional support with my Vimeo account?
Vimeo's Help Center & Link To Contact: