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Set multiple price points per ticket level

Share inventory across multiple price points per ticket level

Ashley avatar
Written by Ashley
Updated over a week ago

Price Points allow you to create a ticket level that shares inventory across multiple Price Points. This is often used if you have a ticket level such as General Admission that offers varying pricing such as Adult, Senior, Child, etc. The inventory would be set at the General Admission ticket level and would share inventory across the associated Adult, Senior and Child Price Points.

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Sample Use Case

Let's say you want to sell 1,000 General Admission tickets with different price points for Adults, Seniors and Children and would like each of those price points to draw from the same 1,000 available inventory.

In addition to your General Admission tickets, you also want to offer 500 VIP tickets that have Adult and Senior pricing that share that 500 available inventory.

You would create your General Admission ticket level and set the inventory to be 1,000. Then you would create your Price Points for Adults, Seniors and Children. As people purchase any of those price points, the purchases will draw on that shared 1,000 available inventory.


General Admission - 1,000 inventory

  • Adult $50

  • Senior $40

  • Child $25

Those three price points will all draw from the same 1,000 shared inventory.

You can create price points for each ticket level on your page. So if you also offered a VIP ticket level that had an available inventory of 500 tickets, it could look like this:

VIP - 500 inventory

  • Adult $500

  • Senior $250

The Adult and Senior Price Points will both draw on that 500 available inventory.

Add Price Points

  • From the Pages screen, click the Pencil icon on the page you'd like to add Price Points to.

  • Click the Edit Ticket Information button

  • Scroll down to the desired ticket level and select Multiple Price Points.

  • Click Add Price Point +

  • There you can choose whether you would like for these Price Points to apply to just Online orders and/or orders placed through the Box Office app

  • Click Add Price Point +

Customize Your Price Points

  • Add a Name to the Price Point

  • Add a Description

  • Set the Price

  • Set a Fee if you'd like to add a fixed dollar amount or percentage or multiple fees

  • If you would like this Price Point to appear in the Box Office app, you also can set what price it would show on there as well as what associated fees it would have

  • Click Add Price Option + to add additional options

  • When done, click Save

  • Under the ticket level, you can toggle on Limited Supply to set an available inventory that all of the price points associated with that ticket level will share.

The Attendee Purchase Experience

  • The attendee will select the quantity of the ticket level they'd like to purchase tickets for

  • The attendee will then be prompted to select which Price Point they would like for each ticket


Can I set inventory for each Price Point within a ticket level?

The inventory can only be set on the ticket level itself and that inventory is shared across all the Price Points associated with that ticket level.

Do actions work with ticket Price Points?

Yes, you can apply Actions to your Price Points. See sample below:

How will the Price Point show in Exports?

The Price Point a ticket buyer selected will appear in the Tickets Export. There will be a column labeled Price Point as shown below.

Where can I see the Price Points?

Price Point selections will soon show in Ticket export, scanning apps, Box Office, and analytics.

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