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Creating A Venue
Moni avatar
Written by Moni
Updated over 5 years ago

In this article, you'll learn how to create your venue. 

Add Venue Elements by selecting the green ( + )  button.

Seating Sections

Press ( + ) and select Seated Section. Name Your Section.

Select the number of rows and seats in this section. 

Customize how they are labeled (letters or numbers). 

Reserved Seating Section 

(1) Section Header: Name of the section. 

(2) Edit Button: Change this section.  

(3) Delete Button: Delete this section. 

(4) Duplicate Button: Copy this section. 

(5) Reflect Button: Flip this section. 

Select the pencil icon to edit your section.

Section: Customize the section name. 

Rows: Edit the number of rows.

Seats: Edit the seats in your rows.

Row Naming: Edit your row names.

Label Display: Change where your Row Labels are found.

Don't show rows "I" and "O": Automatically removes Row I and O from your row options.

Spacing: Edit the legroom between rows.

Seats Name: Edit the labels of the seats in the section.

Spacing: Edit the space between seats.

Alignment: Edit the positioning of seats in your section.

Curve: Curves the seating section.

Skew: Postions the seating section.

Rotation: Turns the seating section.

Polygon Shape

Edit Your Polygon Shape

Arrows: Customize the shape and size of the element. 

Pencil: Click to rename or rotate your shape. 

Trash Can: Delete this shape. 

Pages: Duplicate this shape. 

Note: A Polygon Shape acts as a focal point for the selling order of your seats - you will need one if you have auto-assignment on for seats.

General Admission Area 

This adds a portion to your venue that isn't reserved seating. Set a capacity of tickets to sell for this portion.

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